Fall 2023 Course Schedule

Week Date Lecture Assignment
1 8/28 Introduction HW1 assigned
2 9/4 Labor Day - No session
3 9/11 Make sense of numbers and fundamentals
4 9/18 Climate impacts and responses HW2 assigned
5 9/25 Fall Regular Session: No classes scheduled
6 10/2 Energy systems overview
7 10/10 Energy project economics
8 10/16 Energy demand HW3 assigned
9 10/23 Energy technologies: solar and wind
10 10/30 Energy technologies: fossil, nuclear, hydro, and other
11 11/6 Energy efficiency HW4 assigned
12 11/13 Power system decarbonization BNL Tour
13 11/20 Energy, environment, human health Proposal
14 11/27 Energy access, justice, and transition
15 12/4 Presentation
16 12/11 Presentation Policy memo