February 18, 2025
Source: Kimberly A Nicholas
\(I(mpact) = P(opulation) \times A(ffluence) \times T(echnology)\)
\(I(mpact) = \frac{P(opulation) \times A(ffluence)}{T(echnology)}\)
Source: Ehrlich and Holdren (1971)
\(F=P \times \frac{G}{P} \times \frac{E}{G} \times \frac{F}{E}\)
Source: Kaya and Yokobori (1997), Kaya Identity: drivers of CO₂ emissions in the World
Source: UNEP, Emissions Gap Report 2024
Source: UNEP, Emissions Gap Report 2022
Source: Pacala and Socolow (2004)
Source: IPCC, WG3
Source: IPCC, WG3
Source: IPCC, WG3
Source: IPCC, WG3
\(E = vehicles \times \frac{Miles}{vehicle} \times \frac{gallon}{mile} \times \frac{carbon}{gallon}\)
Source: IPCC, WG3
Source: IPCC, WG3
Source: Fridley et al. (2016)
Source: Read more from RMI case study.
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
Source: IPCC, WG2
More resources: U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
What elese can we do?
More resources: New York City Assesses Extreme Heat Climate Risk
More resources: UNEP, Case Studies