Lecture 3 Climate Fdundamentals and Impact

Gang He

February 10, 2025

A five points “climate haiku”

  1. It’s warming
  2. It’s us
  3. We’re sure
  4. It’s bad
  5. We can fix it

Five stages of climate denial

  • Stage 1: Deny the Problem Exists
  • Stage 2: Deny We’re the Cause
    • Stage 2b: Consensus Denial
  • Stage 3: Deny It’s a Problem
  • Stage 4: Deny We can Solve It
  • Stage 5: It’s too Late

Climate and Weather

Climate is the average weather conditions of a region over a long period of time, usually at least 30 years. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions. Climate change refers to long-term changes.

Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions. Climate change refers to long-term changes.

GHG effect

Greenhouse Gases(GHG)

GHG GWP-100 Lifetime (Years)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 1 hundreds
Methane (CH4) 29.8±11 11.8 ± 1.8
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 273 ± 130 109 ± 10
Hydrofluorocarbon-32 (HFC-32) 771 ± 292 5.4 ± 1.1

Other GHG:

  • Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
  • PFC-14 (CF4)
  • Water vapour

From emissions to warming

Warming since measurement

Warming in context of geological history

Warmer and Warmer

Climate spireal

Temprature anomaly distribution

Human vs nature

Human component is the major driver of warming

Scientific understanding: climate systems

Scientific community and process

  • What is the IPCC?
  • How does the IPCC select its authors?
  • What literature does the IPCC assess?
  • How does the IPCC review process work?
  • How does the IPCC approve reports?
  • How does the IPCC deal with alleged errors?
  • What is an Expert Reviewer of IPCC?

Adverse impacts of climate change

The impacts are global

Vulnerable population suffers more

Conventional focues

  • Ice melting
  • Sea level rising
  • Extreme weathers
    • Floods
    • Droughts

Damages to include

  • agriculture
  • mortality
  • energy
  • low-risk labor
  • high-risk labor
  • coastal damages
  • property crime
  • violent crime

What other damages to include?

Social economic impacts

Social cost of carbon

  • Marginal cost of carbon
  • Cost included:
    • Net agricultural productivity
    • Human health
    • Property damage
    • Energy system costs
  • Cost not included:
    • Unknown impact: physical, ecological, economic
    • Unknown cost: information

U.S. southern states suffer more

The poor will get damages more

Climate damage function

\(Economic\ Damage=f(\Delta temperature)\)

  • It could be negative or positive
  • Integrated Assessment Models/Economic models
    • FUND
    • PAGE

Climate change and conflicts

Climate change affects energy system

Climate impact to renewable supply-demand match

NYS climate impacts assessment

Grand challenges, huge progress, and grand opportunities


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