Bombing, Heating, and Causal Models


Gang He


March 23, 2024

Bombing strategy in Vietnam

  • Discontinuities in U.S. strategies employed during the Vietnam War to estimate their causal impacts.
  • Rounding thresholds in an algorithm used to target air strikes
  • Bombing increased the military and political activities of the communist insurgency, weakened local governance, and reduced noncommunist civic engagement.
  • Spatial discontinuity across neighboring military regions that pursued different counterinsurgency strategies.
  • A strategy emphasizing overwhelming firepower plausibly increased insurgent attacks and worsened attitudes toward the U.S. and South Vietnamese government, relative to a more hearts-and-minds-oriented approach.

Heating differences between the North and South in China

  • China’s Huai River policy: free winter heating via the provision of coal for boilers in cities north of the Huai River but denied heat to the south.
  • Regression discontinuity design based on distance from the Huai River
  • Ambient concentrations of TSPs are about 184 μg/m3 [95% confidence interval (CI): 61, 307] or 55% higher in the north.
  • Life expectancies are about 5.5 y (95% CI: 0.8, 10.2) lower in the north owing to an increased incidence of cardiorespiratory mortality.
  • Long-term exposure to an additional 100 μg/m3 of TSPs is associated with a reduction in life expectancy at birth of about 3.0 y (95% CI: 0.4, 5.6).

Thoughts for evaluation

  • Natural experiments
  • Causal identification strategies
  • Regression discountinuity


  • Dell M, Querubin P. Nation Building Through Foreign Intervention: Evidence from Discontinuities in Military Strategies. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 2018;133:701–64.
  • Chen Y, Ebenstein A, Greenstone M, Li H. Evidence on the impact of sustained exposure to air pollution on life expectancy from China’s Huai River policy. PNAS 2013.