Lecture 2 Goals and Types of Evaluation


Gang He


March 16, 2024

Recap lecture 1

  • Get to know each other
  • John Snow and evidence based analysis
  • Evidence based policy
    • Global clean energy supply chain
    • Queens curb side organics
  • Capturing the wedage
  • Governers Island and other cases

Program & Program Evaluation


A program is a set of resources and activities directed toward one or more common goals, typically under the direction of a single manager or management team.

Program Evaluation:

Program evaluation is the application of systematic methods to address questions about program operations and results. It may include ongoing monitoring of a program as well as one-shot studies of program processes or program impact. The approaches used are based on social science research methodologies and professional standards.

Five questions to ask

  • Can the results of the evaluation influence decisions about the program?
  • Can the evaluation be done in time to be useful?
  • Is the program significant enough to merit evaluation?
  • Is program performance viewed as problematic?
  • Where is the program in its development?

Type of evaluation

Formative ↔︎ Summative
Ongoing ↔︎ One-Shot
Objective ↔︎ Observers Participatory
Goal-Oriented ↔︎ “Goal-Free”
Quantitative ↔︎ Qualitative
Ex Ante ↔︎ Post Program
Problem Orientation ↔︎ Non-Problem

Types and uses of evaluation

Evaluation Types When to use What it shows Why it is useful
Formative Evaluation
Evaluability Assessment
Needs Assessment
- During the development of a new program.
- When an existing program being modified or is being used in a new setting or with a new population.
- Whether the proposed program elements are likely to be needed, understood, and accepted by the population you want to reach.
- The extent to which an evaluation is possible, based on the goals and objectives.
- It allows for modification to be made to the plan before full implementation begins.
- Maximizes the likelihood that the program will succeed
Process Evaluation
Program Monitoring
- As soon as program implementation begins.
- During operation of an existing program.
- How well the program is working
- The extent to which the program is being implemented as designed
- Whether the program is accessible and acceptable to its target population
- Provides an early warning for any problems that may occur
- Allows programs to monitor how well their program plans and activities are working
Outcome Evaluation
Objectives-Based Evaluation
- After the program has made contact with at least one person or group in the target population - The degree to which the program is having an effect on the target population’s behaviors. - Tells whether the program is being effective in meeting its objectives.
Economic Evaluation: Cost Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost-Utility Analysis - At the beginning of a program
- During the operation of an existing program.
- What resources are being used in a program and their costs (direct and indirect) compared to outcome - Provides program managers and funders a way to assess cost relative to effects. “How much bang for your buck.
Impact Evaluation - During the operation of an existing program at appropriate intervals.
- At the end of a program.
- The degree to which the program meets its ultimate goal on an overall rate of STD transmission (how much has program X decreased the morbidity of an STD beyond the study population). - Provides evidence for use in policy and funding decisions

Process evaluation can be very useful

Exploratory evaluation

Approach Purpose Time
Evaluability assessment Assess whether programs are ready for useful evaluation; get agreement on program goals and evaluation criteria; clarify the focus and intended use of further evaluation. 1 to 6 months; 2 staff-weeks to 3 staff-months
Rapid feedback evaluation Estimate program effectiveness in terms of agreed-on program goals; indicate the range of uncertainty in the estimates; produce tested designs for more definitive evaluation; clarify the focus and intended use of further evaluation. 3 to 6 months; 3 to 12 staff-months
Evaluation synthesis Synthesize findings of prior research and evaluation studies. 1 to 4 months; 1 to 3 staff-months
Small-sample studies Estimate program effectiveness in terms of agreed-on program goals; produce tested measures of program performance. 1 week to 6 months; 1 staff-week to 12 staff-month

Evaluability Standards: Readiness for Useful Evaluation

  • Program goals are agreed on and realistic.
  • Information needs are well defined.
  • Evaluation data are obtainable.
  • Intended users are willing and able to use evaluation information.

Selecting an exploratory evaluation approach

Approach When Appropriate
Evaluability assessment Large, decentralized program; unclear evaluation criteria.
Rapid feedback evaluation Agreement exists on the goals in terms of which a program is to be evaluated; need for evaluation information “right quick”; potential need for more definitive evaluation.
Evaluation synthesis Need for evaluation information “right quick”; potential need for more definitive evaluation.
Small-sample studies Agreement exists on the goals in terms of which a program is to be evaluated; collection of evaluation data will require sampling.

High Line Park Story

Culturally responsive evaluation

  • Culture of the program that is being evaluated
  • Cultural parameters
  • Including equity

CRE framework

Evaluation process and feedback

GAO’s Evaluation Design Process

  • clarify the study objectives;
  • obtain background information on the issue and design options;
  • develop and test the proposed approach;
  • reach agreement on the proposed approach.


Limbani, Felix, Jane Goudge, Rohina Joshi, Marion A. Maar, J. Jaime Miranda, Brian Oldenburg, Gary Parker, et al. 2019. “Process Evaluation in the Field: Global Learnings from Seven Implementation Research Hypertension Projects in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.” BMC Public Health 19 (1): 953. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-019-7261-8.
Newcomer, Kathryn E., Harry P. Hatry, and Joseph S. Wholey. 2015. Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation. 4th edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.