Lecture 22 Review and Summary

Gang He

November 30, 2023

Energy grand challenges: net-zero

A five points “climate haiku”

  1. It’s warming
  2. It’s us
  3. We’re sure
  4. It’s bad
  5. We can fix it

Energy vs power

  • Energy is the ability to do work. Energy is power integrated over time.
  • Basic unit: joule = watt·second
  • Power is the rate at which work is done, or energy is transmitted.
  • Basic unit: watt = jourle/second

We need to know what we are talking about!

Common sources of energy and climate data

- UN
- WB
- BP Statistical Review of World Energy


- CDIAC (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center)
- EDGAR (emissions database for global atmospheric research system)
- Carbon Budget Project
- Carbon Monitor

Human component is the major driver of warming

Social cost of carbon

  • Marginal cost of carbon
  • Cost included:
    • Net agricultural productivity
    • Human health
    • Property damage
    • Energy system costs
  • Cost not included:
    • Unknown impact: physical, ecological, economic
    • Unknown cost: information

Kaya identify

\(F=P \times \frac{G}{P} \times \frac{E}{G} \times \frac{F}{E}\)


  • F: global CO2 emissions from human sources
  • P: global population
  • G: world GDP
  • E: global energy consumption


  • G/P: GDP per capita
  • E/G: energy intensity of the GDP
  • F/E: emission intensity of energy

Risks and resilience

Energy systems

Energy project economics

  • NPV, discounting, LCOE, learning rate

  • Project economics is useful for basic cost-benefit analysis

  • Getting the price (discounting) right

  • Understanding technology dynamics will help to model future projections

  • Aware of the limitations


  • Thermodynamic efficiency
  • Comparing different technologies
  • Thermodynamics provides physic limits

Brayton cycle vs. Rankine cycle

Brayton Cycle Rankine Cycle
Jet, Gas turbine Steam turbine
Open Open/closed circuits
Working fluid in gaseous phase Working fluid phase change

Defining a Rosenfeld Plant

  • 500 MW
  • c.f.: 70%
  • T&D losss: 7%


  • 3 TWh/year

  • 3 MtCO2/year

  • NYC electricity use: ~4 TWh/year

P-N Junction


\(P=\frac{1}{2}\rho \pi r^2 v^3\)

\(\rho\) = Air Density (\(kg/m^3\))
\(A\) = Swept Area (m2) = \(\pi r^2\)
\(v\) = Wind Speed (m/s)
\(P\) = Power (W)


Nuclear fission

Nuclear fussion



Pumped storage hydropower (PSH)

\(E=\rho mg(h_2-h_1)\)

Energy demand

  • Energy demand is shaped by dynamic factors: populations, GDP, technology, regulation, and human behavior
  • Understanding those drivers will help us learn the magnitude and profile of our demand
  • Load forecast integrates all insights to the show

Energy efficiency

  • There are barriers for energy efficiency and inforamtion and standards can help address the energy efficiency gap
  • Human behavior is complicated, and understanding it will help us to design policy
  • Rebound is real but might be overplayed, rebound could be good if improve welfare
  • Sustainable consumption and production within the limit

Energy access and energy justice

  • Electricity/energy access is fundamental to other modern services: education, health, and information
  • Energy access also has gender equity, health cobenefits, and other implications
  • Energy justice is important to achieve just transition
  • An reflection on our approaches to energy justice

Energy, environment, and human health

  • Environmental and health impacts are the externalities of energy systems
  • Energy-air-pollution-human health framework of analysis
  • Energy-water-carbon nexus
  • System impacts show the constraint in systems modeling

Energy transition

  • Diverse factors that drive energy transition
  • Common and differentiated solutions to energy
  • Leverage the advantages
  • Addressing uncertainties: geopolitics, wars, pandemic, and more

Power sector decarbonization

  • Power sector’s central role in decarbonization
  • Capacity expansion model to analyze the optimized investment decisions
  • Decisions in the real world is much more complicated
  • Emerging trends in the power sector

Big data and AI

  • AI and big data has transformed how we live, and how can we save the planet
  • AI does not automatic add new insights, but it provides powerful tools to analyze increasingly available big data
  • Learning those new tools and skills becomes necessary to work in the field
  • The potential of using AI/big data to analyze our understanding of energy supply/demand and human behavior is enomorous.


  • System thinking and LCA thinking
  • LCA could offer insights
  • Learning those new tools and skills to do basic LCA
  • LCA is a system think to address energy and climate challenges.

Uncertainies and limitation

  • Know the limitation of models
  • Use model appropriately
  • Interpret/communicate the results effectively
  • Models for social good


IEA. 2021. “Net Zero by 2050.” International Energy Agency.
Kaya, Yoichi, and Keiichi Yokobori, eds. 1808. Environment, Energy, and Economy: Strategies for Sustainable. Tokyo: United Nations Univ. https://archive.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/uu17ee/uu17ee00.htm.
Koomey, Jonathan, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn Brown, Richard Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, et al. 2010. “Defining a Standard Metric for Electricity Savings.” Environmental Research Letters 5 (1): 014017. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/5/1/014017.
Macknick, Jordan. 2011. “Energy and CO2 Emission Data Uncertainties.” Carbon Management 2 (2): 189–205. https://doi.org/10.4155/cmt.11.10.