September 26, 2023
Simple payback: no discounting
Payback: with discounting
Ratio of a constant annunity to the present value of receiving that annuity for a given length of time.
Source: Gang He, source data
I: Investment costs
M: Operation and maintaince costs
F: Fuel costs
\(Y = aX^b\)
Y: Unit costs
a: Cost of first unit
X: Units
b: Slope of the learning curve
Pr: Progress ratio
Lr: Learing rate
Source: Yelle (1979)
Source: Grübler, Nakićenović, and Victor (1999)
Source: Kavlak, McNerney, and Trancik (2018)
Learning by doing
Learning by researching
Source: Our World in Data
Source: Grubler (2010)
Source: Helveston, He, and Davidson (2022)
Read more: Grübler, Nakićenović, and Victor (1999)