Simi George: Transitioning from Corporate Law to Climate Advocacy and Clean Energy Policymaking

Climate and Career
Simi will share thoughts on making a career transition, and opportunities in the clean energy policy space.

Climate Guest Speakers


October 7, 2024


Transitioning from Corporate Law to Climate Advocacy and Clean Energy Policymaking


Monday, October 7, 2024, 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Online via zoom. Please register to participate.


I’ll provide an overview of my career trajectory, thoughts on making a career transition, and opportunities in the clean energy policy space, and address any other areas of interest to the students.



Simi has nearly 15 years of experience in law and clean energy policy. She currently heads the Long Duration Energy Storage program at the California Energy Commission. She has previously served as a Legal and Policy Advisor to the President of the California Public Utilities Commission, where she worked in various clean energy policy areas including building decarbonization, the natural gas transition, and solar energy policy. Earlier in her career, she managed a campaign to mitigate methane emissions from the natural gas sector at Environmental Defense Fund. She started her career as a corporate lawyer at two major international law firms. Simi holds an MPA from Harvard Kennedy School and degrees in law and liberal arts from the National Law School of India.